Discover a vibrant, healthier you with plant-based eating!
Seniors, are you tired of feeling under the weather? Do you want to live your days with more vigor and vibrancy?
Your path to stronger, more spirited living can start right here—at your dinner plate!
Hi! I’m Dorothy Greet. Welcome to my kitchen.
This is where I make meals that do much more than fuel my body.
They help me live a wholeheartedly HEALTHY and HOPEFUL life.
From heart attack to health hero: My journey to a stronger, happier life
After a heart attack turned my life upside down, I knew I needed to make changes.
The biggest was in what I ate.
As the granddaughter of a Pennsylvania dairy farmer, I grew up eating meat, drinking milk, and consuming all sorts of animal products.
I NEVER knew about nor considered adopting a 100% plant-based diet—until my heart sounded an alarm I just couldn’t ignore.
Plant-based eating has completely transformed my health.
Course curriculum
Journey to Wellness Recipes
Module 1 Lesson 1 - My Breakfast Secret
Module 1 Lesson 2 - The Wonders of Oats Continued
Module 2 Lesson 1 - Gazspacho (Salad Soup)
Module 2 Lesson 2 - Longevity Soup
Module 2 Lesson 3 - Tabbouleh Salad
Module 2 Lesson 4 - Pita Bread
Module 3 Lesson 1 - Toasted Pita Chips
Module 3 Lesson 2 - Hummus 1 and 2
Module 4 Lesson 1 - Mushroom Stroganoff
Module 4 Lesson 2 - Introduce Dr John and Mary McDougall
Module 5 Lesson 1 - Chocolate Beet Cake
Module 5 Lesson 2 - Banana Ice Cream
Module 6 Lesson 1 - Interview John and Barbee Kiker

About this course
- $49.00
- 17 lessons
- 2.5 hours of video content
Lower cholesterol, reverse disease, add years to your life
My cholesterol… my blood pressure… my weight… They’ve all gone down and STAYED down. All my vital numbers are well within normal, healthy ranges.
My immune system is much more resilient, so I’m never sick!
My sleep is better, and I wake up with more energy each morning. I’ve got the strength and stamina to go cycling every day.
What’s more, I now eat with a new peace of mind, because plant-based eating isn’t just healthier for ME—it’s healthier for the planet.
Plant-based eating is a powerful, scientifically proven way to nourish your body AND nurture the world.
And it’s nowhere NEAR as hard, expensive, or as joyless as you might think it is!
For more than a decade now, I’ve been a certified plant-based nutritionist.
I started blogging about plant-based eating at my local newspaper’s invitation, and have published a book about this extraordinary journey to wellness.
And I’ve taught hundreds of seniors how to live and cook with less stress—and no meat!—through the University of Delaware’s Osher Institute of Lifelong Learning.
Now, in my online course, I want to give YOU the knowledge and tools you need to embrace a plant-based diet, and create your much healthier, happier life.
When you join, you’ll get lifetime access to a series of short videos you can watch anytime, on any device.
These videos bring you right here into my kitchen, where you’ll see exactly how I prepare well-balanced, mouth-watering meals YOU can make, too. Middle East Tabouleh… Gazspacho… Mushroom Stroganoff… and many more!
Delicious, easy "E-Meals"
Nourish your body & the planet
These are what I call my signature “E-Meals”: easy, economical, ethical, Earth-friendly, and EXCELLENT.
Along the way, you’ll discover why and how plant-based eating delivers all sorts of health benefits.
It can lower your cholesterol. It can reduce your risk of, and even REVERSE, heart disease and other chronic diseases. It can help with weight management. It can literally add years to your life.
You’ll also find out how your plant-based diet makes a direct and positive difference to animal life and to the climate.
Plant-based eating isn’t some passing fad or “out there” diet plan.
It’s a growing movement that brings measurable, meaningful benefits to your physical health and overall well-being.
Plant-based eating will delight your mouth as you discover new, satisfying flavors.
It will infuse all your daily activities with more energy and zest.
And it will make you feel great knowing you’re doing something good for yourself and the world.
Let’s build a healthier, happier YOU together—one delicious plant-based meal at a time!
Join Dorothy's online course
Lifetime access to plant-based wellness